The Buddha's Words Everyday


At one time, the Lord was staying near Alavi, at the cow path in the Simsapa Grove, lodging on the leaf-strewn ground. Now, Hatthaka of Alavi was walking about and he saw the Lord seated among the leaves so he approached him and asked: “Good sir, do you live happily?”
“Yes, my boy, I live happily. Of all the people in the world, I am the happiest.”
“But sir, these winter nights are cold, the dark half of the month is a time of frost. The ground has been trampled hard by the cattle’s hooves, the carpet of fallen leaves is thin, there are few leaves on the trees, your yellow robe is thin and the winds blow cold.”
“Despite this, I still live happily. I will ask you a question, answer as you wish. What do you think about this? Suppose a man has a house with a gabled roof, plastered inside and out and with well-fitting doors and windows. Inside is a couch spread with a fleecy woolen rug, a bedspread of white wool, a cover embroidered with flowers, spread with a costly antelope skin, with a canopy above and scarlet cushions at each end. The lamp is burning and four wives wait on him with all their charms. Would such a man be happy or not?”
“Yes, sir, he would be happy.”
“Well, what do you think about this? Is it possible that distress of body and mind due to greed, hatred or delusion could arise in him, causing him to feel unhappy?”
“Yes, sir, that is possible.”
“Well, my boy, that greed, hatred and delusion that could cause distress of body and mind has been abandoned by the Tathagata, cut off at the root, made like a palm tree stump that cannot grow again in the future. And that is why I live happily.”
